Saturday, November 29, 2008

I would like to thank everyone who came to Donna's celebration of life and for everyones contributions to the celebration and to her care. When I first asked for help to take care of Donna I didn't expect that so many of her friends and family would help out so much. I would like to thank everyone who helped both financially and for your moral support that I know was so important to Donna.
As promised at the beginning I will donate money that was left over for Donnas care unless otherwise directed to the ALS society ( They were very good to Donna and deserve all the help we can give them) I have some who have directed me otherwise and if anyone wishes me to do so, please email me at . I have worked out that 21% of the donated money was left over and I will donate that to the ALS society by Dec 5th unless otherwise directed.
Once again, thank you so much for your help from Doug, Donna,Christina and Theresa.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am not sure if I mentioned that everyone is welcome to share something about Donna or just say something to her. Donna also loved a good joke and she was always asking me to tell her a joke. She has heard all mine, so I have a couple of new ones that I will share with you for Donna. If you have any to tell Donna I know that wherever she is she will appreciate hearing from all of us.
hi, just wanted everyone know that Donnas obit is in the Calgary Sun (Sunday and Tuesday) ( there is a map to the Town and Country if you are not sure how to find it ) and in the Herald ( Tuesday and wed) and the Airdrie Echo on Wed.
looking forward to seeing everyone on Thurs Nov 27 at 6.00 pm to remember Donna.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Donna's Memorial

Hi Everyone,
we will be having a Celebration of Life for Donna on Thursday November 27th at 6:00pm at the Town and Country Center in Airdrie.
The address is 275 Jensen Drive NE, Airdrie Alberta.
All friends and family are welcome.
We are going to have a pot luck and if anyone would like to contribute your faviorate dish please email
Thank you

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hi all of Donnas friends and family. Donna passed away peacefully at 2:15 this afternoon ( Tuesday Nov. 18 2008 ) We will be arranging a memorial in Airdrie within the next week or so and will update everyone when we know more. Thanks to everyone for all your help and we hope to see you when we can get together.
Bye for now Doug.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

For anyone who may not know yet, Donna is in intensive care. She will be kept on a machine to help her breathe for the next few days and then they will see if she can breathe on her own. Anyone can visit her in the icu on the main floor of the Rockyview hospital in the next couple of days. She may or may not be awake. I will be around most of the time, so I might see you there.
Bye for now Doug.
Hi again, just a quick update. Donna is in the Rockyview rm. 8204 ( 8th floor, unit 82, room 04). It looks like the earliest she will get home is Friday Nov 21. Anyone wishing to visit, please drop by, I will be there most of the time and if I am not she would still like to she everyone and have the company.
Bye for now Doug.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hi everyone, Donna got into a room at the Rocky view hospital with only a 24 hr wait and a little pull from the ALS society ( don't you just love our medical system, however I guess it is better than not at all). She seems to be doing ok. they are treating the pneumonia etc. and should be out sometime next week.
Donna went into the rocky view hospital today ( thursday nov.) Apparently has some pneumonia in her right side. We are hoping not too serious, should know more tomorrow.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mother of the Bride

At Daughter Theresa's wedding reception in June 2007.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

donnas friends

Most will know by now that Donna was not up to going to the Mayo clinic in Phoenix Arizona( we postponed and probably will cancel unless we can come up with a good reason to go and Donna feels up to going. we got back some credit for the plane fare, not sure how much yet.

Donna and I would like to thank everyone for their donations ( didn't get every ones email) donations from friends and family have topped $14000.

Donna is getting weaker and will need a wheelchair to get around. The ALS society has donated one and we should get it next week. they also put in a lift to help Donna get upstairs and the home care has someone coming twice a week to help Donna with her bath.

We will use donations for the van and to get it equipped with a lift for the chair and for Donna. We will also need to get help as Donna gets worse since I know I will not be able to look after 24-7.

I will try to keep up with Donna's progress as I know she has a lot of friends and family who want to know and help.

Talk to you later, if you have any information that will help Donna, please forward it to .